Historic District of Madison Indiana
Shops In Walking Distance


Carson Magic

In the category of live performance art, the Magic Act holds a special place. And the Greg Carson show is no exception.

Magic Show
See Schedule

He has a magical way with the audience, making everyone feel comfortable and included, adapting to the audience with his aloof friendly comedy and encouraging audience participation. He actually held everyone’s attention with his quick wit and rapid pace, there was never a boring moment.

Note: The show happens in inside the Piglet Pen, and thus, pen rules apply.



He taught the audience several magic tricks, including how to:
1) invert a dollar bill;
2) cheat at card games;
3) cheat at dominos;
4) get children to eat green vegetables (by turning them into rabbits);
5) make a banana disappear;
6) magically make his whole head expand and shrink;
7) make a rabbit appear in an empty box;
8) the fiery dangers of taking money from their parents wallets.
Not neccessarily in any order.



The show was for children, but cute and funny enough to keep the adults entertained. The engineering and math types (myself included) were left scratching their heads long after the show (about the do-nothing-machine AKA strings-in-tube-routine).

He did all that and more! The CarsonMagic show was creative, delightful and mesmerizing. It was terrific! And everyone had a great time!

For a great show,
Thank you Greg Carson


See CarsonMagic for testimonials and reviews.

Trivia: Suggest a good trivia question a trivia question.


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Sometimes people think Madison Historic District, also known as Historic Madison, is located in Milton Kentucky, but we are actually located just 1 mile north in Downtown Madison Indiana, across the Harrison Bridge on the north side of the Ohio River.


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