Historic District of Madison Indiana
Shops In Walking Distance



Gift Shop
& Fabric Shop

721 W. Main Street
Madison IN 47250
(812) 265-4429
(877) 395-6263


--"Good For My Soul!"

This shop opened 55 years ago on May 4th 1969.


Gift Shop

Where the mystery begins.

Caution: use hand rail.


Cellar Gift Shop

dish sets,

baking ware,

pots, plates,

saucers, bowls,

dish towels,

cloth place mats,



Each chamber in the laberinth opened up into another, and then another. Each in turn organized like decorations on display. What must be an extrordinary amount of work.

electric lamps,

scented candles,
medium sized candles,
small candles,
hanging candle holders,

jars, picture frames,
christmas ornaments,

potpouri fillings



picture frames,

fall wreaths, fall decorations,

christmas tree ornaments,

dish rags, dish towels,

yarn balls

large pottery items,

plates, saucers and dishes,

dish cloths,

christmas decorations, small christmas trees,

calendars, baskets,

place mats, cloth napkins, pot holders,



place mats, pot holders, towels,

christmas wreaths,

christmas decorations,

christmas ornaments

christmas decorations,


table cloths, dish cloths, cloth napkins,

hand towels, kitchen towels.



fall decorations, fall wreaths,

dish sets, cups, bowls,

plates, serving dishes

wall decorations

cup sets, dish sets, bowls, plates,

candles, fall decorations,

pillows, lanterns

home decor, kitchen items


Huge Variety of
Material Stock

The contents of which were maticulasly neat, clean and organized and displayed more like an art show than a store. They call it "a country store," but you can’t walk through here without recognizing the care and sophistication involved in preparing this shop.

All things sewing. Material and threads of all colors. Sewing patern kits, sewing kits and sewing tools. And that’s just the tip of the iceburg hidden below in the cellar gift shop.

If you shop for anything related to threads, material or sewing, or need a rare and unique gift, this is a place you must shop.


Youtube Video

Trivia: Suggest a good trivia question a trivia question.


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Visit their facebook page here.


Sometimes people think Madison Historic District, also known as Historic Madison, is located in Milton Kentucky, but we are actually located just 1 mile north in Downtown Madison Indiana, across the Harrison Bridge on the north side of the Ohio River.


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Map to Margies’s Country Store & Weather Report

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Margie’s Country Store has become a landmark of the Historic District.
U.S. business statistics report that individuals &/or partners attempt to start up a business on average 8 times before they are successful. Marketing, advertising, location, expenses, suppliers, customers, customer care, the business plan, insurance, products, pricing, location (location, location, location), the market surounding, the economy as a whole, and frankly much more than we can’t fit in here, all have to come together for a business to be successful. And to remain successful, it’s just not what the company does on the inside, the supply of quality products and services plus location, it’s also up to the whims of public interest, i.e. the demand, which anyone affected by the tourism can attest to.

Anyone familier with Main Street, Madison Indiana, can surely site several startups which eventually, and some times after not very long, entered and then subsequently exited the market. Margie’s Country Store has sustained 55 years in the Madison market. Very few shops can claim that.

Bravo Margie’s, Bravo!


General History

If you’re interested in this span of history,
here are some links to read more about these years in the U.S. and around the world.
Just reading about 1969 (below) makes one realize how much has happened in the last 55 years.

